小時候 學校離我的小阿姨家近
"麵麵阿姨 我要一碗乾麵加餛飩湯!"
滑溜溜的餛飩配大骨頭湯 灑上芹菜和胡椒
現在住在美國 時不時想念的滋味
乾脆發狠 自己買了材料在家自己包
"麵麵阿姨" 小時候都這麼叫麵店老闆娘
桌上一大盆絞肉 一大把青蔥 調成內餡
一張皮 麵麵阿姨手指一捏
有了餛飩 想著餛飩湯可不夠我這大胃王吃啊
餛飩湯配蔥油拌麵 聽起來也夠銷魂了
加上家庭常備的醬油和糖 就可以作蔥油了
只留ㄧ角空隙 另ㄧ手可以不斷翻炒青蔥
所以 建議準備雙手套在旁邊備用
太好吃了 我三兩下就狼吞虎嚥下肚 還欲罷不能
有點油的麵 搭配清淡些的餛飩湯來收尾剛剛好
Lately I am craving for wonton soup due to homesickness. Wonton soup is a important piece of my childhood memories.
The elementary school and middle schools I went are far away from my parents' house but close to my youngest aunt's (apartment). So I always went to my aunt's after school and parents picked me up there after work. In Taiwan, the ground floor of many apartment buildings, usually 3-5 stories, are used for commercial purpose; many of them are food-related, such as noodle houses, pastry shops, breakfast shops. etc.. And the one beneath my aunt's apartment is a noodle house. As you can imagine, the noodle house was one of the places I visited most for after-school snacks. And I always order wonton soup!!
Have no idea what's in a wonton soup? Wonton is a type of dumplings, made by seasoned ground pork as filling, and then wrapped by a square wrapper made by flour, For a more luxury version, the filling is ground pork and shrimp. (I found wiki does an amazing job introducing wonton, click
here. Thus, allow me stop here for wonton and talk more about the recipe.) In Taiwan, pork-bone broth is mostly used as the base of wonton soup, seasoned with salt, fried garlic and chinese shallot slides and white pepper powder.
Ingredients for Wonton
A stack of wonton wrapper, about 70 pieces (in Chinese Character: 雲吞皮 or 餛飩皮)
2 pounds of ground pork, semi-lean
1.5 bunch spring onions, chopped with both whites and greens
1 egg white
White pepper powder
Sesame oil
Ginger juice
Corn starch
Ingredients for the Soup
2 pounds pork bone
5 ginger slides
2 stalks spring onion, cut in 2-inch long
Cooking wine
White pepper powder
1. Make pork bone broth
(1) Parboil the pork bones for 3 minutes
(2) Trim off the dirty fat
(3) Pick up the pork bone and wash off with cold water blood and dirty fat on the bone
Note: These 3 steps is to remove the taste of blood.
(4) Place the pork bone, ginger and spring onion in a big pot. Add the water and cooking wine.
(5) Bring the water to a boil over high heat on the stove top for 5 minutes
(6) Turn the heat down to a slow simmer. Cover the pot and cook for at least 2 hours.
2. Make the Wonton, while the pork bone broth is cooked on the stove,
(1) Prepare the filling
a. Add (?) water into the ground pork, then stir the ground pork with a spoon in the same direction until the ground pork absorbs all the water. Repeated this step until the ground pork becomes moist (looks glutinous)
b. Mix well all ingredients
c. Leave the mixed ground pork in refrigerator for 20 minutes
(2) Place a wonton wrapper on palm and a teaspoon of the filling in the center. Moisten two adjacent edges of the wonton wrapper with water and fold it over the filling to make a triangle. Seal it well.
(3) Moisten two sides corners with water and then bring them together to front and press one top over the other.
(4) Repeat 2(2) and 2(3) until all wrappers are used.
3. Cook the Wonton, once the broth is ready.
Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil and place the wontons (usually 5-8 wontons for a bowl of wonton soup) in the water. Cook 3-5 minutes (until the wontons float to the surface).
4. Combine the wonton and the soup
Place the cooked wontons into broth and drop the salt and white pepper powder.
Enjoy the wonton soup. Hope you like it!!